Car Accident

What To Do After A Car Accident That Wasn’t Your Fault

Imagine the sound of screeching tires, the feeling of impact, and the realization of what just happened. It's all extremely overwhelming. The victim or victims might be in pain and need to be rushed to the hospital. The cars involved in the accident are severely damaged and need to be...

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by March 4, 2024

Road Construction and Car Accidents

One of my greatest concerns this time of year are the number of car accident cases that occur in the North Country -- and throughout New York State -- in road construction areas.  As frustrating as it is to have to slow down and be aware of different patterns on...

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by September 2, 2020

Car Accidents and Bicycles

The Franklin County Traffic Safety Board in Northern New York and is a group of concerned residents of Franklin County that meet monthly in order to discuss traffic concerns and solutions.  Members who serve on the Traffic Safety Board are required to be residents of Franklin County and are appointed for three-year...

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by May 4, 2020

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