How Do I Choose a Good Personal Injury Lawyer?

By August 8, 2022

personal injury lawyer with clipboard and lawDaytime TV is full of ads from personal injury law firms that promise the delivery of a generous check to cover your bills and loss of income. The fact is, these law firms don’t deliver on their promises, and can make your situation worse. Becoming an accident victim starts a process that involves legal issues and insurance claims that aren’t easy to work through as you focus on recovering from your injuries. Retaining a personal injury lawyer is your best option because they can help you with these issues and make sure you get fair compensation for your injuries. But now you have to figure out how to choose a personal injury lawyer that’s going to do right by you. When you’re looking into how to choose a personal injury attorney, you need a law firm like Poissant, Nichols, Grue, Vanier & Babbie that can provide you with a personal injury lawyer in NY that can provide you with the legal services you’re seeking.

What Makes a Good Personal Injury Lawyer?

As you start looking into how to choose an attorney, you want to make sure that you look at New York personal injury attorneys that can fulfill the following criteria that make them a good personal injury lawyer:

  • Experience

Experience plays a large role in how well a personal injury lawyer in NY handles your case. Getting a good law education is essential, of course, but the more experience a lawyer has with your type of personal injury case, the better.

A lawyer that handles car accidents or work injury accidents and has won or settled cases in favor of their client can provide you with thorough representation and is more likely to bring your case to a satisfactory conclusion.

  • Proven track record

With experience, another aspect to consider when looking at how to choose a personal injury lawyer is their performance history. Does the personal injury lawyer NY or law firm have a record of settling or winning several cases on behalf of their clients?

New York personal injury attorneys who are successful can show you their track record and how much money they’ve won for their clients. This also demonstrates the attorney’s skills and how well they advocate for their client from start to finish. 

  • Strong focus on providing legal advocacy

Negotiations and lawsuits move slowly, and lawyers frequently have multiple cases at the same time. This oftentimes gives the impression that the lawyer is ineffectively representing their client. Poissant, Nichols, Grue, Vanier & Babbie makes it a point to keep in touch with their clients and give regular updates on the current standing of your case and any pending actions. Thus, we maintain our focus on handling cases for our clients.

  • Good personality traits and work ethics

The personality traits and work ethics of a personal injury attorney also play a role when looking into how to choose a personal injury attorney for your case.

One of a lawyer’s most important skills is listening, followed by investigative skills. You want an attorney who listens to the details of the incident and can highlight important details. Other important traits include being a good mediator and litigator to drive home the seriousness of your case and get the fair compensation that covers your needs and bills.

Why Having a Good Personal Injury Attorney Matters

Having a good personal injury attorney matters. You need a lawyer that will advocate for you from start to finish, not hand your case off to a paralegal to do the heavy lifting. You’re more likely to sign off on a less-than-adequate settlement and sign away your rights for further litigation in case further injuries arise.

We offer a free personal injury case evaluation and can help you understand the process of filing a personal injury claim. Our team of personal injury lawyers is ready and waiting to help you find justice for your injuries. Contact our law firm today and talk to one of our New York personal injury attorneys about your need for legal representation.

All initial personal injury consultations are free. Contact our office regarding any matter at any time.

Free personal injury Case Evaluation