How Long Does a Personal Injury Lawsuit Take in NY?
By seriousl August 22, 2022
Most accident victims pursuing a personal injury lawsuit claim often wonder or ask themselves, how long does it take to settle a personal injury? Knowing the basic steps involved in a personal injury claim can help you as an injured party to set reasonable expectations of the timeframe you will obtain compensation.
The attorneys at Poissant, Nichols, Grue, Vanier & Babbie, P.C understand the variables involved in settling personal injury claims. As an injured party, you may wonder how much should I ask for a personal injury settlement? The attorneys at Poissant, Nichols, Grue, Vanier & Babbie, P.C work diligently to obtain maximum compensation and obtain the most favorable outcome for you in the shortest time.
How Long Does It Take to Settle a Personal Injury Case?
A personal injury lawsuit in New York typically takes four months to as much as four years. Typically, it might take one to five years to negotiate a personal injury settlement or obtain a verdict in a personal injury case.
A personal injury attorney New York area or any other state will not determine the timeframe for your case. The nature and extent of your injuries largely determine your compensation margin and the timeframe of your case.
If you are within the area of Malone, speaking to competent Malone personal injury lawyers will help you pursue compensation for lost wages, medical expenses, and pain and suffering incurred from an accident.
What Can I Expect During a Personal Injury Case in NY?
The following factors affect the timeframe of a personal injury claim in New York:
- Nature and extent of the injury
- Complexity and circumstances of the case
- State and county of the case proceedings
- Court caseload
- Amount of compensation
New York Practices in Personal Injury Claims
The National Center in charge of State Courts established the following findings in previous court practices:
- The longest court processes were about 35 months on average in most court litigations.
- Most lawsuits for tort claims take about 26 months from the date of filing to the verdict date.
- Most injury claims got settled before the trial; only 3% go through the full trial process.
The Personal Injury Claim Process
Your Malone personal injury lawyers must know how to handle a personal injury case from start to finish; providing you with the right guidance to file an injury lawsuit and explaining all the best options available for your case.
The Litigation Processes in a Personal Injury Case NY
The following steps explain the litigation process of a personal injury claim:
- Hiring a personal injury attorney in New York
- Initiating and filing a personal injury suit in N.Y.
- The discovery process includes:
- Medical records
- Police reports
- Security footage
- Other evidence
- Court Motions
- Settlement Negotiations
- Trial Process
- Verdict and Appeal
Signing a Settlement Agreement: Should You Agree to a Settlement?
Negotiations for a settlement are demanding and require the professional advice of experienced attorneys. If your New York attorney advises you that a settlement is a wise step, ensure the compensation meets your needs for:
- Medical bills
- Pain and suffering
- Lost earnings
Experienced attorneys’ expertise will help you review the settlement agreement carefully before signing the settlement release agreement. The settlement agreement bars you from seeking further compensation than what you agreed upon. Exercising due diligence ensures you have carefully reviewed the settlement terms before signing.
Clients usually receive their settlement in the shortest time possible, within two weeks. It takes a little longer in New York City if there were liens to the suit.
If you want to follow up on your injury case progress in New York, especially in New York State Supreme Court, you can search for your case status on the NYS Supreme Court Website or Your attorney in NY can also check and brief you.
At Poissant, Nichols, Grue, Vanier & Babbie, P.C., our experienced lawyers are at hand to handle all your injury claims. Some trials may drag out for a long time, while some compensation may be too little.
Competent legal advice will ensure you obtain the best outcome on compensation for your injury claim. Contact us for a free consultation with one of our NY attorneys.